Individual Online Training Courses

The “IRC Implant Mastery Program addresses 17 different areas of implant dentistry, you need to know to successfully place and restore dental implants.

Below are a list of the courses and what you will learn;

  1. Introduction to Implants: "Why Implants Suceed; Why They Fail" 
  2. Patient Selection: “How Not to Choose the Wrong Patient”
  3. Treatment Planning: “Rules Not to Break” 
  4. Surgery: “Atraumatic Implant Placement”
  5. Impression Taking: “Garbage In, Garbage Out”
  6. Dentate Restoration: “First Major Mistake Beginners Make”
  7. Soft Tissue Over Dentures: “No Brainers”
  8. Fixed Removable Protheses: “Raising the Bar”
  9. Fixed Detachable Protheses: “Be Careful What You Wish For”
  10. Bone Grafting: “Need More Bone?”
  11. Bone Grafting Procedures: “Blood Heals All”
  12. Ethical Marketing: “Be Careful What You Say”
  13. Trouble Shooting: “Up to Your Ass in Alligators?”
  14. In Office Management: “Cross the “T”s, Dot the “I”s”
  15. Mini Implants: “Long, Skinny & Ugly”
  16. Mining Your Practice: “Success is Closer Than You Think”
  17. Indications for Implants: “There are Other Choices”