Course Description

The objective of Course #13: Trouble Shooting Dental Implants is to give the reader a better understanding of the problems encountered when placing and restoring dental implants, how to recognize them and their course of treatment and most importantly how to prevent them. As well, the reader will be introduced to the terminology commonly used in implant dentistry plus find answers to several of the most commonly asked questions by patients.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter 1

    • Welcome

    • Introduction

    • Introduction - Quiz

    • Problem Areas

    • Problem Areas - Quiz

    • Patient Selection - Quiz

    • Treatment Planning - Quiz

    • Surgical Placement - Quiz

    • Immediate postoperative problems

    • Immediate Postoperative Problems - Quiz

    • Delayed. Postoperative problem

    • Delayed Post-op - Quiz

    • Four month uncovering

    • Locating the Submerged Implant

    • Locating the Submerged Implant - Quiz

    • Testing for Osseointegration - Quiz

    • Restoration of implants

    • At Time of Restoration - Quiz

    • Crown & Bridge - Quiz

    • Soft Tissue Overdenture Related - Quiz

    • Unilateral Partial Denture Related - Quiz

    • Patient postoperative home care

    • Congratulations

    • Contact Information for CE Credit Letter

    • Copy of Participant Survey

  • $95.95

    $95.95Course 13: Trouble Shooting Dental Implants

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